General file notes in the context of CPD Presentation given by Alan FitzGerald to a number of Insurers and Brokers from October 2011 to May 2012.
News Archive
Presidential Speech 22 January 2010
I am honoured to be the President of the Insurance Institute of Cork but when first faced with the prospect, my mind went back to 1974 when as a 12 year old, soccer and “Life on Mars” by David Bowie were the only things that interested me.
Property Assess “News Update” 07 May 2007
The most recent edition of Claims Professional (CILA) contained a very interesting article on a case involving damage to the premises of an Internet Provider who provided a web based facility for the Policyholder.
Property Assess “News Update” for Brokers 02 October 2006
Publicity surrounding a major loss may lead to a reduction in share price or loss of reputation etc.
Property Assess “News Update” 03 August 2006
As you are probably aware, we provide a full claim service for you and your Clients. Included in this service is presentation and negotiation of your Clients’ property damage and business interruption claim.
Property “News Update” for Brokers 06 March 2006
Policyholder suffered a burglary and months later his van was broken into. He was asked to produce invoices for tools from the van and he forged these.