News Archive

Celtic Tiger Construction Costs

Recent figures suggest that we are approaching “Celtic Tiger” levels of construction costs. Sum insured levels need to be reviewed accordingly to avoid penalties or proportional reductions for under-insurance.

RIAI Clause 26 and its implications

If you have a fire in your home and you need to vacate for a period in excess of 35 days, cover will be restricted under your Policy.

Insurer claims service still lags behind SME customer expectations

Lorega Limited is a UK Chartered Loss Adjusting company which offers a claims presentation and negotiation service to brokers and commercial concerns.

Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) v Western Trading Limited – UK Court of Appeal 2016

As part of our “Technical” updates I would like to bring your attention to a very important Court of Appeal case in the UK involving “reinstatement” under a Commercial Property Policy.

Earls .V. The FSOB & FBD

This is a  recent, pretty scathing High Court decision

Are you responsible for fire which spreads from your property to your neighbours?

Homeowner liable for spread of fire High Court judgement – William Feeney –v- Alberto Andreucetti and Jenny Andreucetti and Michael O’Reilly trading as Elm Construction.

Quick Question, do you need your own Loss Adjuster?

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