Recent figures suggest that we are approaching “Celtic Tiger” levels of construction costs. Sum insured levels need to be reviewed accordingly to avoid penalties or proportional reductions for under-insurance.
News Archive
RIAI Clause 26 and its implications
If you have a fire in your home and you need to vacate for a period in excess of 35 days, cover will be restricted under your Policy.
Insurer claims service still lags behind SME customer expectations
Lorega Limited is a UK Chartered Loss Adjusting company which offers a claims presentation and negotiation service to brokers and commercial concerns.
Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) v Western Trading Limited – UK Court of Appeal 2016
As part of our “Technical” updates I would like to bring your attention to a very important Court of Appeal case in the UK involving “reinstatement” under a Commercial Property Policy.
Are you responsible for fire which spreads from your property to your neighbours?
Homeowner liable for spread of fire High Court judgement – William Feeney –v- Alberto Andreucetti and Jenny Andreucetti and Michael O’Reilly trading as Elm Construction.