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To Fitzgeralds Chartered Loss Adjusters
We are property claims specialists dealing in small to significant insurance property losses and third party losses where your property or home has been damaged by a negligent third party.
We are the only Chartered Loss Adjusting firm offering a claims service to Policyholders in the Cork area. The service and expertise we offer is unrivalled but at the same time we are extremely competitive in terms of our fee scale. Our objective always is that our clients are compensated fully for their loss and that you will not be out of pocket
What We Do
We will assess every aspect of your damaged property, analyse your insurance policy, liaise with the Insurance Company Loss Adjuster and we can offer you advice in terms of contractors to use to re-instate / repair the damage.
Client Testimonials
“We had significant water damage in 2015 and we engaged Alan FitzGerald to present our insurance claim on our behalf. He provided a superb service and we extremely were pleased with the outcome and he helped to get us back up running as quickly as possible. We would have no hesitation in recommending him in a similar situation.”
John Corcoran, Insurance Officer, Nemo Rangers
Latest News
German Bombs and Allianz
Value At Risk (VAR) – How Recent Inflationary Factors Can Significantly Impact Sum Insured Levels Under Commercial Policies
We are all aware of current construction inflationary factors and the worry must be that existing sums insured will be “challenged” in the event of a loss or claim. The issue will be compounded if the sum insured is inadequate which is quite likely in the context of “rolling renewals” where the original sum insured has become out of date and has failed to reflect year-on-year inflation. In some cases, there is little or no explanation for the origin of the sum insured other than it may have been based on the market value or there may have been a change of management company etc.
Landlord Tenant Dispute (Technical Bulletin)
As demonstrated during the various Court Hearings associated with the Covid-19 business interruption claims, Courts or dispute resolution forums in different countries or jurisdictions are often influenced by a decision elsewhere. In this respect I came across a case in “Insurance” which is an Australian publication, which I thought was very interesting in the context of both Policy Liability and Legal Liability and bearing in mind that Policy wordings are not dissimilar from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and that these cases can have persuasive influence on the Courts or indeed Ombudsman in another jurisdiction….